Reconfiguring rental towards inclusion

With a significant urban housing shortage and large floating populations that move in and out of cities for education, exploration, or work, rental housing has been an important element of housing in Indian cities. It has received considerable policy attention in the wake of the 2020 migrant crisis. Our third webinar focuses on the viability […]

Are the urban rivers in India annihilated?

The extractive development and competitive growth models coupled with haphazard urban expansion plans are the root cause for the dying or dead urban rivers in India. The present trends of urban expansion programs in the country suggest that urban ecosystem is seemingly very heavily stressed and that the conditions are likely to go from bad […]

Inventing Institutional Structures For Delivering Affordable Shelter

Every State in India has an Affordable Housing policy. These are then sought to be implemented through various arms – be they Urban Local Bodies, Development Corporations or private developers. There is the PMAY for some financial support. We now have a national policy for rental housing on the anvil. The conception of all these […]

Whose sustainability? Discovering civic agency for the future Indian city

The UN’s World Commission on Environment and Development, also known as the Bruntland Commission, defined sustainable development in 1987 as development “that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” The ‘future generations’ are key stakeholders in the process of achieving sustainability but it is […]

The city and the right to work

We have all been seeing how the city is being transformed over the last thirty years from a place to work and live in, to one that is a site for investment and profit-making. Two major aspects of this transformation are the shift from manufacturing to services, and the privatisation of services. The NSO data […]

Heritage Conservation in the Emerging Indian City – I : The Future of 20th Century architecture in Indian Cities – (Un)Learning from Chandigarh, Delhi, Ahmedabad and Mumbai

This session will straddle the apparent contradiction of UNESCO World Heritage designations versus the demolition of iconic buildings in India’s recent history. For example, the Chandigarh Capitol Complex, designed by Le Corbusier was inscribed a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2016. The Victorian Gothic and Art Deco Ensembles of Mumbai – a collection of 19th-century […]