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- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Oct 01 2021
Reconfiguring rental towards inclusion
With a significant urban housing shortage and large floating populations that move in and out of cities for education, exploration, or work, rental housing has been an important element of housing in Indian cities. It has received considerable policy attention in the wake of the 2020 migrant crisis. Our third webinar focuses on the viability of rental housing in urban India, looking at both supply and demand aspects. How can rental housing be more accessible and affordable for a range of urban residents, especially for vulnerable populations like migrants, informal workers, women, religious minorities, Dalits, etc? How can rental suppliers cater to the complexities of demand? What kind of new configurations of rental supply do we need to imagine, in terms of design response, innovative business models and as an element of social protection? How do planners leverage rentals towards goals like inclusion, sustainability and diversity?