Habitat Forum (INHAF), an Indian non-profit registered in 1999, is a network of professionals, civil society organizations, people engaged in academic and research work and others working in the human settlements development field, both rural and urban. Committed to better human settlements, especially the living conditions of the poor and lower income groups, it engages in studying development action and advocates required changes, focused on inclusivity, sustainability and equity. Informality, urban and rural housing, poverty, urbanisation, mobility and the role of professional education and that of civil society in development planning and action are its main areas of work.

INHAF is a Public Charitable Trust and donations to it get tax exemption under Section 80 G of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
The organisation is also registered under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act 2010.


Human settlements: Cities, Towns and Villages


Socially just, economically productive, culturally vibrant, politically participatory, environmentally sustainable, 

technologically advanced and receptive cities and settlements.


Promotion and strengthening of civil society/ NGO role in shaping the vision through selective partnership 

with the governments and national and international organizations.


Advocacy and demonstration action to influence change in policies, institutions, plans,

programmes, projects, allocations, governance and management systems for the above purpose.


INHAF is a members’ organization. Member servicing, however, is not its exclusive purpose. INHAF’s commitment extends beyond members. It is committed to issues and causes. They form its prime constituency. Members are to provide intellectual, physical and moral resources to address issues and pursue causes.This being the case, INHAF’s role and action agenda stretches beyond the capacity building of and networking among the members. 

Its purpose is not only to bring the members together and facilitate sharing and joint action among them. It has a pro-active role also. It is open and flexible yet strategic in a selection of issues to be addressed, definition of the constituency, choice of partners and method of work.


INHAF depends on resources and strengths of many and believes that when communities, CBOs, NGOs, civic groups, professionals, academics, activists, business and government act together, share responsibility and work with unity of purpose, they achieve more.


INHAF is making an effort to develop intervention at the national, regional, state and local levels. Being national in character, INHAF has much to do at the national level: with the central government, its agencies, multilateral and bilateral organizations and other national and international agencies. The state and the city level interventions, however, are equally important. The situation varies from state-to- state, district-to-district, and city-to-city. Therefore, from the early beginning, INHAF has placed emphasis on regional and state level presence and action. Considering that most NGOs, civic groups and professional members have their operational base confined within a state or a city, the need, capacity and opportunity for local level intervention are greater. Effective decentralization that facilitates local issues to surface, local agenda to develop and capacity for local action, therefore, is crucial to proper functioning and healthy growth of INHAF.