Call for Chapters
Conversations on City Economy in India and the Global South: Growth, Inclusion and Sustainability
INHAF and over 200 urban professionals and civil society activists, people from academics
and grassroots NGOs have been hosting a series of webinars from June 2020 (from the time
of the pandemic outbreak) to date on the theme “Rethinking Cities” to share various
perspectives on different urban themes. The webinars opened the much-needed societal
dialogue on how we handle the urbanization process and develop cities so that they not only
remain engines of economic growth but also become socially cohesive, culturally vibrant and
ecologically sensitive places.
In an effort to build further on the outcomes of the webinars, INHAF has started working on
book projects on pertinent urban themes that need attention of the policy makers,
practitioners, academia and civil society activists. Encouraged by a positive response to the
first book “Conservation and the Indian City: Bridging the Gap” which is based on a 3 event
webinar series on the subject, a second book titled “Conversations on City Economy in
India and the Global South: Growth, Inclusion and Sustainability” is in the process of
being curated by two senior Professors.