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  • Bindhu Bhuma
    Bindhu Bhuma
    Project Associate, ClimACT-Chennai

    Bindhu is an Architect and Urban Development Researcher based in Chennai. She graduated with a Bachelor’s in Architecture from the MEASI Academy of Architecture, Chennai, and an M. Sc. in Sustainable Urban Development and Humanitarian Architecture from the International University of Catalonia (UIC), Barcelona, Spain. She was a former SBI Youth for India fellow and worked closely with NGOs, Local Governments, and communities on sustainable rural development initiatives. She is working towards being a solution facilitator in the socio-spatial aspects of challenging environments, communities, and systems. Her strong passion to facilitate and empower communities, environments, and the betterment of society has led her to adhere to the social and development sector.

  • Dakshayani S Dalavai
    Dakshayani S Dalavai
    Managing Director, Pratiks Enviro Solutions

    Dakshayani S Dalavai is the Managing Director at Pratiks Enviro Solutions. She has completed her MBA from IIM- Kozhikode. She has received National Award for Technology Development and Social Contribution from honorable minister Mr. Gajendra Singh Shekhawat 2019-20 at New Delhi.

    Pratiks Enviro Solutions was established in 2011. The goal of the company is to give cost effective eco friendly solutions for all kinds of water and waste water problems, to make our earth clean and green.

  • Dr. D. Raghunandan
    Dr. D. Raghunandan
    Climate Lead, ClimACT-Chennai

    Raghunandan is an active founder-member of and volunteers with Delhi Science Forum (DSF), a reputed non-profit “think tank”. In DSF, his focus is on Environment and Climate Change, Renewable Energy, Aerospace, Defence and Strategic Studies, and the Public Understanding of Science.

  • Dr. H N Chanakya
    Dr. H N Chanakya
    Former Faculty, CST, IISc Bengaluru

    Formerly Chief Research Scientist at Centre for Sustainable Technologies, IISc, Bangalore (superannuated July 2021). Carried out R, D & D on decentralized energy technologies (biogas plants and peripherals), energy system integration into rural life and water/ wastewater purification from 1978.

    Have been a member of Karnataka Planning Commission and also been contributing in the capacity of a member of the Technical Advisory Committees for KSPCB, BBMP, BWSSB, MI, RDPR, KEA at the State level and DBT, DST, BIRAC, MNRE, TIFAC at the National level and voluntary organizations such as Development Alternatives, LEISA Network, TIDE Bangalore etc. and a few private companies/ MNCs for various periods.

  • Dr. Kurian Joseph
    Dr. Kurian Joseph
    Professor & Director, CCDM, Anna University

    Dr. Kurian Joseph is Professor of Environmental Engineering at the Centre for Environmental Studies, and presently Director at the Centre for Climate Change and Disaster Management, at Anna University. He has executed several research projects including international collaboration projects and lead project management consultant for Biomining of Legacy wastes in over 150 ULBs in Tamil Nadu including Greater Chennai Corporation. With expertise in Sustainable Development, Municipal Solid Waste Management, Pollution Prevention, Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Economics, and Climate Action, he is currently leading a multidisciplinary team involved in “Operationalisation of Climate Studio” that carries out Climate hazard projections and vulnerability assessment of water, agriculture, forest, coastal and sustainable habitat sectors of Tamil Nadu.

  • Nirmal John
    Nirmal John
    Advocacy Coordinator, Chintan, Delhi

    Nirmal John is a lawyer by training who currently works as an Advocacy Co-ordinator with Chintan Environmental Research and Action Group. At Chintan, he covers all aspects with respect to e-waste, plastic waste management and the circular economy.

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Feb 21 2024
  • Time: 7:30 am

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Feb 21 2024


6:00 pm

Solid Waste and Sewage

Discover a groundbreaking initiative with “Cities and Climate Change: Focus on Chennai,” a 10-part webinar series presented by INHAF under the visionary ClimACT-Chennai initiative. This series stands as a pioneering effort, igniting collaborative climate action and uniting diverse stakeholders toward a sustainable, climate-resilient future for Chennai, and potentially, for cities across India.

The webinar series aims to catalyze collaboration among experts, academics, policy-makers, advocates, practitioners, and CSOs/NGOs. It is a holistic exploration of climate challenges, delving into segments such as impacts and resilience (including extreme rainfall and flooding, urban heat island effect, sea-level rise, and coastal erosion), and mitigation strategies (encompassing buildings, transportation, waste, and power generation).

Solid Waste and Sewage:

The webinar would explore innovative strategies for solid waste reduction and recycling. Discuss the challenges and opportunities in sewage management in the urban landscape. Highlight the role of community engagement in fostering sustainable waste practices. Gain insights from experts, understand the local impact, and discover actionable steps toward a cleaner, more sustainable Chennai. Your participation contributes to building resilient cities in the face of climate change.

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