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  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Oct 09 2020

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Oct 09 2020

Sustainable Mobility Fortnight- Cities, People and Sustainable Mobility

The desired transformation of the mobility sector will be robust and just if it is accompanied by a process of enhancing public understanding about mobility and sustainability, and public engagement to evolve locale-specific sustainable solutions.

The discussion, also drawing on the references to public awareness and the role of the public in the earlier webinars, will focus on:

 1.  What is the role of the public in driving a city’s choice for sustainable mobility systems, 

 2.  What have been the experiences of and learnings from public engagement in mobility policies, plans and projects – what has been tried, what worked and why, what are some challenges, 

 3.  What are the relative merits and challenges of different drivers of change in the sustainable mobility sector and where might we place Education for Sustainable Development (which has a much broader scope than public awareness and participation)

 4.  What are the current opportunities for enhancing public understanding on sustainable mobility, and are they adequate for the transformation that is desired

 5.  How can we design public engagement on sustainable mobility, that is oriented to driving policy, programmes and locale-specific solutions, in an inclusive, and knowledgeable manner, and

 6.  What is the role of government, professionals, media, funding agencies, academic institutions, unions and NGOs in fostering public engagement to demand for and evolve sustainable mobility solutions?