Aarti Shinde
COO of Annapurna
Anupama Desai
Dr Medha Purao Samant
Chief Functionary & Secretary of Annapurna Pariwar
Dr. Joy Deshmukh Ranadive
Consultant, Advisor, Social Development, Gender, Sustainability, CSR
Shruti Tambe
Ujwala Waghole
Chief Functionary & Secretary of Annapurna Pariwar
V.C. Joshi
Vrushali Magdum
Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jul 28 2023
- Time: 8:30 am - 10:30 am
Annapurna Pariwar’s Support Services: Childcare and Education for Migrant Women and their Families
Impact through Empowerment is a series of three webinars that showcases the work of Annapurna Pariwar, a group of six developmental organisations devoted to empowering poor women in the slums of Pune and Mumbai. The goal of Annapurna Pariwar is to improve the quality of life of poor working women & their families.
Annapurna Pariwar has been offering other support services like training & financial literacy to its members. Annapurna Pariwar educates clients in a consistent and creative way. Families are supported through day care centres for children in the age group 1 to 6. Day Care Centres for children of self-employed women in slums facilitates the families to earn their livelihoods. Annapurna Pariwar offer educational sponsorships to the children of divorced or widowed poor women. These women are the borrowers of Annapurna Pariwar and find it difficult to educate their children, from their single income.
In addition to this the Dada Purao Research & Training Institute publishes a quarterly magazine called “Samvad” for its members which provides knowledge & gives them a platform to express their views and publishes books on various social issues. It also provides training and research facility to students and researchers.
Join us to understand the path breaking work of Annapurna Pariwar, Medhatai, and her dedicated team. Come listen to the voices from the field that speak of what it takes to walk path towards empowerment of urban slum dwellers.