What has the city done to house their poor in the last decade?
An inter-sectoral study of the production of housing by private, public, NGOs and civil society in Pune and Ahmedabad
This initiative built off Inhaf’s earlier work on Investment Watch, but with a more focused approach on low-income housing.
Housing for the urban poor in Indian cities, is a production of multiple actors: urban local governments, state parastatal, private sector developers, housing finance institutions, civil society and communities. Building on this understanding we attempted to capture the collective efforts in the cities of Pune and Ahmedabad to house its urban poor over the last 10 years, as undertaken by the private, public, non-profit sector within the overarching factors of housing policy and programs including the contribution by people themselves. The study relied primarily on interviews with stakeholders across these sectors, available secondary information and INHAF’s earlier work to build these stories.
Pune: MASHAL, Gokhale Institute of Public Policy