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- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jun 23 2020
Reflections on COVID-19: What the Data Reveal
As most of our cities have eased up lockdowns and begun moving on to the new normal albeit with uncertainty, some experts have raised the question as to whether lockdowns and other constraining measures imposed by the government have helped prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Two major distinctions have characterized the lockdown stereotypes closure of facilities and stay at home order. These had proven disastrous to the general mobility and economy. While other governments have emphasized lockdown as the most efficient measure, others chose not to restrict movements. This has yielded interesting results relative to the number and mortality of the COVID 19 cases. Dr. Anjum Altaf’s article on lockdown, ‘Pakistan, India and Lockdown’ is built on an interesting premise, backed up with data, that lockdowns have yielded different results in both India and Pakistan. For this session, Dr. Altaf will further explain as to what factors have contributed to the different outcome and what recommendations may be derived to help inform post COVD policy making process and decision making. Moreover, invited panelists will react and relate to the discussion. They will also share perspectives as to how lockdowns have made greater impact not just on health and economy but on the general well being of the people.