Rapid needs assessment of informal, migrant and unorganised workers during Covid-19.
Understanding immediate and long-term needs of workers in Gujarat-Rajasthan and Maharashtra.
In response to the consequences on labourers in the unorganised / informal sector and slum dwellers under Covid-19 and a Government imposed lockdown in March 2020, relief work was begun by several organisations including INHAF, Mashal and CLRA (Centre for Labour Research and Action) in their respective cities.
As the situation on the ground worsened and travel to facilitate workers back to their villages remained restricted, the working partners for this initiative along with the guidance of the Department of Sociology, S.P.P. University Pune, designed and conducted a phone survey of 591 workers in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Rajasthan to quickly assess the conditions of labourers stuck at their places of work and to determine their immediate needs, for further action.
Phone survey carried out with 591 respondents in Gujarat (199), Rajasthan (51) and Maharashtra (341) between 23rd April and 1st May 2020.
Data Analysis and Summary Report of Findings and Recommendations produced.
Press release in several local language and English newspapers.
Centre for Labour Research and Action, MASHAL, Department of Sociology at the Savitribai Phule Pune University.