Corporate Social Responsibility

Seeing CSR beyond its current role within human settlements

Inhaf’s work on CSR is aimed at  examining the possibility if a greater share of CSR funds could be directed towards further supporting and strengthening the NGO work/civil society initiatives:  from the grassroots level micro projects to  higher level policy support work  and improving the delivery system of large scale public spend on infrastructure and service development  projects.

The focus on exploring new possibilities with the CSR funding rests on several considerations. One, with projected amount of Rs one lakh crore over five years, it is a large sum of money for the grassroots, local scale development work for the resource starved NGOs and civic groups. Two, CSR money is incremental in nature having been tied to the profits of the corporate and big business. Three, funding and management of CSR is in the hands of business entrepreneurs who can potentially understand the needs of the social sector. .Four, strengthening civil society role in development action is one of the core objectives of Inhaf. And five, there is an understanding that development investments do not always reach the intended beneficiaries because of the delivery system snags  and a small additional investment through CSR funds can substantially improve performance. 

This initiative is designed to explore if these ideas, suggestions and proposals would make sense to the fund contributor corporate, the professional managers of the CSR funds  and the  regulator government.  The postulate is that the way it functions now could the CSR system be adjusted or modified in favour of a reasonable slice of the funds going the civil society/NGO way, both to support their project activities and the organizational capacity building?. Also, if a part of the funds could be directed to improving the delivery system of the large scale public spends, as demonstration to show the better outcomes. Even if the intended changes do not happen during the stipulated time period the idea is to create a body of work, hopefully with some partners, that could be built upon over a period of time even by others.


CSR guideline review.

Reviewed list of 30 companies in Pune in manufacturing and IT and as to how they have used CSR. 

Published an article: Corporate Social Responsibility-Not just welfare, also development, Changing Equations, Published in Business India, Feb-March 2018.

Suggestions and Objections submitted in 2020 on the CSR Amendments.